Предавање со наслов Secure Wireless Communications via Exhaustive Cooperative Jamming Against a Single Eavesdropper од проф. д-р Тони Стојановски
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19.11.2012. од 12:00 до 15:00 |
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На 19 ноември 2012 год., понеделник, со почеток во 12:00 часот во Салата за состаноци на ФЕИТ, проф. д-р Тони Стојановски од Универзитетот за информатички науки и технологии „Св. Апостол Павле“ во Охрид ќе одржи предавање со наслов Secure Wireless Communications via Exhaustive Cooperative Jamming Against a Single Eavesdropper.
Предавањето е во рамките на активностите на Одделот за теорија на информации при македонската секција на IEEE. Во прилог се дадени апстрактот на предавањето и куса биографија на предавачот.
Abstract: The use of multiple network configurations for cooperative jamming with the aim to increase the region with information-theoretic secrecy is analysed. The case with a single eavesdropper at an unknown location is investigated. A premaster key message is broken into multiple data blocks, which are then sent for different network configurations. Provided that the secrecy capacity for a given eavesdropper’s position is positive for at least one configuration, the corresponding data block can be securely delivered to the receiver, and thus the eavesdropper cannot discover the master key. The relation between the secrecy regions for individual jammers and for sets of jammers is analysed.
Biography: Toni D. Stojanovski was born on 22nd of February 1968 in Skopje. He received BSc in Electrical Engineering in 1990 and MSc in Electrical Engineering in 1995 from Sts Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia with major in Telecommunications. His doctoral research was done at the Centre for Advanced Technologies in Telecommunications, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia from 1996 to 1998. In 1999 he received his PhD degree.
Between 1991 and 1998 he worked as a researcher in the areas of Telecommunications, Chaotic Dynamical Systems and Cryptography. At the same time he took part in several research projects sponsored by the industry and the government.
From 1998 to 2006 he worked in the software industry in some of the largest Australian and global IT companies. He worked on the development and implementation of cryptographic algorithms, design and implementation of software applications, and implementation of optimisation algorithms. With a varying level of satisfaction and challenge, ranging from low to very high, he performed work duties which covered entire lifecycle of software development: project management, team leadership, client liason, business analysis, design and development of software etc.
Currently, he is an associate professor at the University for Information Science and Technology "St. Paul the Apostle" in Ohrid. His areas of research include information security, financial engineering, and parallel programming.
He has authored and coauthored more than 45 scientific papers. 16 papers are published in journals with impact factor. His articles have been cited more than 600 times according to Thomson-Reuters (formerly ISI) Web of Knowledge.