Покана за предавања од IEEE ComSoc
кога |
02.07.2019. од 10:00 до 12:00 |
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Почитувани колеги,
Со големо задоволство, одделот за телекомуникации при македонската секција на IEEE ве кани на предавањата на Alon Rosen (IDC Herzliya) и Andrej Bogdanov (Chinese University of Hong Kong) кои ќе се одржат на 2.07.2019 (вторник) во 10 часот во Салата за презентации на ФЕИТ.
Подолу во пораката ги има насловите и апстрактите на предавањата како и кусата биографија на двајцата предавачи. Ве очекуваме!
Срдечен поздрав,
Владимир Атанасовски
Претседател на одделот за телекомуникации
при македонската секција на IEEE (2016-2019)
Introduction to Zero-Knowledge
Alon Rosen, IDC Herzliya
abstract: Zero knowledge is a fundamental tool of cryptography, in both theory and practice. It enables a party to prove an assertion without revealing anything but the fact that it is indeed true. The theory of zero-knowledge proofs has beautiful connections to complexity and is used to prove many basic theoretical results of cryptography. In addition, efficient zero-knowledge proofs have many applications, including efficient secure computation, advanced authentication schemes like anonymous credentials, transaction validation, and more.
In this introductory talk I will present the definition of zero-knowledge proofs and will give an example for a zero-knowledge protocol for the language of all quadratic residues modulo a composite number.
short bio: Alon Rosen is a full professor at the School of Computer Science at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center.
His areas of expertise are in theoretical computer science and cryptography. He has made contributions to the foundational and practical study of zero-knowledge protocols, as well as fast lattice-based cryptography, most notably in the context of collision resistant hashing and pseudo-random functions. He co-introduced the ring-SIS problem and related SWIFFT hash function, as well as the Learning with Rounding problem. These works lie at the heart of modern efficient lattice-based cryptography.
Alon earned his PhD from the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) in 2003, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT (USA) in the years 2003-2005 and at Harvard University (USA) in the years 2005-2007. He is a faculty member at IDC since 2007.
Approximate degree and bounded indistinguishability
Andrej Bogdanov, Chinese University of Hong Kong
abstract: A Boolean function has approximate degree d if it can be approximated pointwise by a degree-d polynomial. This fundamental measure is closely related to the function’s deterministic, randomized, and quantum query complexity.
Two distributions over n symbols are d-locally indistinguishable if their marginals on any subset of d bits are identical. Local indistinguishability is the standard criterion for cryptographic security of multi-party computations.
The duality between these two notions over the binary alphabet can be used to prove composition theorems in one direction and construct secret sharing schemes in the other. I will talk about this connection, show some applications, and touch upon some recent developments in both domains.
short bio: Andrej Bogdanov is associate professor of Computer Science and associate director of the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science and Communications at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests are in the complexity-theoretic aspects of cryptography, pseudorandomness and explicit constructions, and sublinear-time algorithms.
Andrej obtained his B.Sc. and M. Eng. degrees from MIT in 2001 and his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 2005. Before joining CUHK in 2008
he was a postdoctoral associate at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, at DIMACS (Rutgers University), and at ITCS (Tsinghua University). He was a visiting professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2013 and a long-term program participant at the UC Berkeley Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing in 2017.